Offering Interactive Resources
To Develop Skills for The Future Work Environment
PERPEJULANT Performance Enterprises

Serves as the flagship for the Perpejulant Fleet, and is comprised of Perpejulant University, Perpejulant Institute, Perpejulant Diagnostics, Perpejulant Laboratory, Perpejulant Training, Perpejulant Consulting and the latest addition to the fleet is Ignite Acuity, LLC.
This ecosystem of various entities is the creation of Dr. Roberts, and how he wishes to provide services and support to the future workforce. Tomorrow's leaders are in the classroom and Dr. Roberts hopes to enrich their lives by energizing human intelligence in preparation for the type of work that will be expected in the future dealing with advancing technologies. The workplace is changing and evolving into a highly skilled workforce which requires the type of innovation and thinking that Perpejulant Performance Enterprises will generate and deliver around the world.
The Role of Technology
Adapting to The Future of Work
The following consultative and professional support services are available through Perpejulant Consulting which has been a part of Dr. Roberts service and support efforts for over a 18 years!
Strategic planning is art and part science; whereby the science is having an acute ability to link a strategic prioritization planning model to a specific set of immediate and pressing business circumstances.
Once you’ve crafted your strategic plan the next logical step is to prioritize what's most important to attack. This requires some sort of business prioritization model, which the institute provides. The next step is to determine who needs to weigh in with solutions to address the performance gaps.
Once you've accomplished that, it's time to convene and generate solutions that can be tracked and monitored for results. The task of assigning accountability is crucial, but once completed, you now have specific departments assigned to accomplish specific objectives with their team members.
This is when you begin to think about constructing departmental roadmaps from one year to the next, and reviewing that content at your annual strategic summit. These meetings although impractical during the pandemic will resurface again as viable plenaries to discuss, hash out and hold people accountable for future direction and to feel good about where the organization is going
Let Perpejulant Performance Enterprise Group coordinate your next Annual Strategic Summit!

Good planning, preparation, and execution begin with the end results in mind.
At Perpejulant Performance Enterprise we use proprietary business planning tools that capture the essence of your objectives; in an easy to understand format, yet provide a compass for your future growth and expansion ideas. You can’t afford not to have it down in black and white, because one day, under the right circumstances, it could be worth its weight in gold. Why not generate one today!
At Perpejulant Performance Enterprise we use proprietary strategic planning tools that capture the essence of your objectives; in an easy to understand format, yet provide a compass for your future growth and expansion ideas. You can’t afford not to have it down in black and white, because one day, under the right circumstances, it could be worth its weight in gold. Why not generate one today!

Dr. Kenneth E. Roberts Ph.D. is a Certified Performance Technologist (CPT) and is trained in all aspects of Human Performance Improvement (HPI) having completed his Advanced Graduate Studies in Training & Performance Improvement at Capella University along with serving C-suite executives for the last decade.
Dr. Roberts has created numerous performance architecture models designed to generate a sequence of systematic and sequential procedures; leveraging Human Performance Technology (HPT), coupled with several performance improvement management utilities and processes. While conducting his research Dr. Roberts discovered where his performance improvement models fit within the body of work specific to the field of performance improvement.
His model known as (PEPAM) Perpejulant Ecosystem Performance Architecture Model adds value to small or large business structure. This model consists of eight performance factors all contigent upon each other, and linked to create a productivity vortex aligning performance improvement interventions to organizational goals. This approach produces a cohesive performance acceleration environment reducing organizational fragmentation which subtracts from Organizational Performance Improvement (OPI).
Perpejulant realizes the importance of implementing correct performance improvement strategies for each organization. Addressing operational performance gaps can increase the value of an organization, and that is why the firm evaluates the work, worker, and the working environment holistically before making any recommendation. The firm focuses on needs assessment, understanding the performance gap, root cause analysis, generating executable solutions, and finally tracking results.

Suggested locations Perpejulant Performance Enterprises uses for Offsite Strategic Planning:
- San Diego: Rancho Bernardo Inn
- Los Angeles: Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes
- La Quinta, California: La Quinta Resort & Club
Organizational development, better known as OD, involves the proper selection and use of models and tools to measure, assess, design, structure, reengineer, and manage, the work, at the individual, group,
and cross-functional levels within an organization. The stakeholders in the process are critical components to ensure the most effective alignment of strategies, tactics, and solutions to address performance gaps.

Defining what is wrong, or not working effectively inside the organization is the million dollar dilemma.
The discovery process is probably the most critical part of Perpejulant’s OD/CM offering. The process to analyze and determine proper solutions to address performance gaps, is naturally the next critical area of deliberation, consequently the firm has developed a process called (PGMS) a Performance Gap Management System, that leaves no stone unturned.

Potential issues may impact employee moral and productivity:
Appraisals are delayed, perceived unfair or inequitably balanced, may be delivered under stressful circumstances. Demonstrate a lack of constructive feedback on the part of the evaluator. Feedback is too ambiguous, vague, and not specific to performance criteria. Employee believes there is a leniency, central tendency, recency, halo effect, or pitchfork effect associated with their appraisal creating evaluation pitfalls.

Improve Tracking & Administration:
All evaluation content is derived from an accurate, complete, and up-to-date job description.
Create immediate, consistent, and systematic feedback relative to performance criteria and what is evaluated. Content 100% checked for accuracy and timeliness. Avoid subjective ratings, base on core competencies. Leverage 360 degree feedback in team based structures. Train managers to conduct proper evaluations.
Dr. Kenneth E. Roberts Ph.D. is trained in all aspects of Human Performance Improvement (HPI).
From his previous research on performance architecture models and methodology along with teaching organizational change at Colorado Technical University, Kenneth has also created a model known as (CMPIAM) Change Management Performance Improvement Architecture Model which is closely related to (PEPAM) and highlights key considerations for organizations seeking change management facilitation and administration requirements. As with any change management or organizational development; understanding the mechanics associated with the 5 vital areas denoted in this model are pivotal to any organization’s successful change strategy. Evaluating the vital elements in a sequential process is the only way to facilitate productive and sustainable change. Perpejulant uses the right tools and processes to extrapolate and unearth critical details required to build a foundational framework for your organization’s change solutions.


The purpose of the digital transformation data analysis engagement is to assist organizations in creating a knowledge or content management repository that provides better access to pertinent data required to drive business operations.
Many small to medium-sized organizations typically with less than 700 employees do not have a structured process to digitize data in a retreivable format to maximize delivery of content to customers, target audiences, and related constituencies. This workflow management engagement provides a synopsis with recommendations that express requirements to employ data management and governance practices to achieve data and knowledge management performance objectives.
The data analysis knowledge management workflow consulting engagement aims to:
- Understand aspects of company culture - past, present, and future transformation.
- Determine if data specific to the organization's intellectual property or knowledge content is structured or unstructured.
- Recognize strategic objectives specific to operational performance expectations.
- Offer alternatives to generate improved mechanics required to drive efficient workflow management processes.
- Document data and knowledge content origination vectors.
- Diagram existing workflow processes, relative to archival, retrieval, and aggregation mechanisms.
- Determine if a bundling methodology proficiently consolidates knowledge management themes.
- Architect a future-state (hypothetical) data-knowledge management enrivonment.
- Recommend IT Hardware, Software, Applications, and Network requirements to sustain future-state performance and eliminate single points of failure.
A pivotal task of the data analysis workflow management consulting engagement will be to evaluate ways to categorize and/or compartmentalize data for proficient assimulation and manipulation when aggregating data for specific tasks.
As part of the data analysis knowledge management workflow consulting engagement, Perpejulant Performance Enterprises will provide supportive research specific to data management and data governance strategies.
The analysis will also address effective managerial protocols required to eliminate disparate repositories of data.
The engagement involves 3 phases of execution - Discovery, Analytical Assessment, and Final Synopsis with Recommendations.
Depending on discovery phase activity and outcomes, the following considerations will also be analyzed:

- Capacity and Scaling
- Performance
- Accessibility
- Security and Compliance
- Ease of Deployment
- Backup and Recovery
As part of this engagement's suggested recommendations, an IT Audit is suggested ensuring your existing IT infrastructure is adequate to absorb additional hardware, software, and network data management components.
The final synopsis with recommendations will consist of call-to-actions relative to workflow management, emphasizing required improvements to knowledge and data management workflow process, procedures, and required resources, with intended outcomes focused on driving continuous improvement, compliant to a more proficient data/knowledge management execution process and suggested platform designed to address future strategic objectives related to future knowledge management transformational efforts.
Proposals for this engagement are customized based on organizational structure, type of content or knowledge management requirements.
The three type of analyses through discovery process to improve business efficiency:
1. Performance Analysis
Whether talking about the whole organization, a function, department, work process, or even a position within the organization; performance is measured by results—what gets produced! Performance analysis is critical to any organization’s ability to improve its results and achieve important goals and objectives. Any organization that doesn’t commit itself to a meaningful path toward continuous improvement will certainly not become or remain a leader, nor be competitive within its marketplace.

2. Gap Analysis
The identification and definition of the performance gap is actually in addressing performance needs. In gap analysis the problem is reframed into current behaviors and expected outcomes. First you must define two things, i.e. the current state and the desired state; the delta is the gap, and put simply defining and measuring that difference is called gap analysis. Gap analysis is part of performance analysis. Cause analysis determines why the gap exists.
The best way to conduct a gap analysis is to identify the discrepancy between actual and preferred performance levels. Perpejulant Performance Enterprise has devised a unique gap analysis process called PGMS—Performance Gap Measurement System. This system is designed to extract data through a series of interactions, analyze data in group format, define interventions to close the gap, and devise an execution strategy with support and tracking mechanisms. Deploying the right gap analysis process could mean the difference between results and status-quo.
3. Business Analysis
- Identify important goals for the appropriate business units
- Clarifying that these are indeed appropriate goals
- Determining how specific and measurable that goals are
Business Analysis is about justifying what’s needed before you begin creating a solution model and identifying human performance issues that offer important business outcomes. Business goals are the drivers of the organization. Business analysis consists of 3 main tasks:
As you carry out business analysis, you will gather industry and business related information on the following:

- Factors that shape business strategy for your annual summit meetings
- Rationale for prioritizing annual goals & objectives
- Recognizing trends within the industry and required adjustments to regain fit
- Performance accountability tied to departmental roadmaps

Dr. Roberts is an exciting keynote speaker, he can galvanize your audience with pivot points that gets the mind thinking about the subject matter more intently. Companies have requested Dr. Roberts to speak at leadership summits, sales recognization events, grand openings, strategic planning sessions, and executive retreats. His delivery is powerful yet meaningful.
From large convention centers to resort hotels, and now even virtually, Dr. Roberts inspires, motivates, and galvanizes each audience with a well prepared speech.
He demands nothing less than excellence of himself and his staff as they custom craft a presentation to get the crown roaring! No matter the subject matter, Dr. Roberts will leave no stone unturned, to ensure your audience receives a resounding message.

Book Dr. Roberts for your next keynote by emailing to arrange a free 30min. consultation to discuss your requirements. When your next event requires an extraordinary and eloquent speaker; Dr. Roberts will deliver a dynamic & uplifting message which is sure to captivate your audience!
The institute recognizes that learning has no expiration date, and learning organizations embrance performance improvement, and realize the importance in providing expert and relevant training solutions to all employees.
Perpejulant’s training solutions normally originate from our interactive organizational development or change management projects; however there are many requests that still originate directly from employee demand. In fact many employees request additional training as part of their performance development plans.
At Perpejulant Performance Enterprise Group, we realize when it comes to improving your staff's skills and abilities: there's no substitute for expert training. Our training and development consultants are experienced in the various fields of study and have years of experience developing training solutions off of existing learning management systems or customized to meet specific needs. Many of our support resources teach at the college and university level, bringing even higher levels of expertise to training solutions.


Should your team want to engage the Perpejulant Performance Enterprise Group regarding any of the above stated support services, please fill out the form below and send a detailed message.
To receive a customized evaluation of your work environment to determine where you are in implementing and leveraging this AI technology, please enter information below.

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