The spread of COVID-19 across the globe in 2020 has turned the world upside down in virtually every way. Face masks are now not only commonplace in public, but are a requirement in many regions throughout the United States. Many businesses remain closed. Those that can legally open under state and federal guidelines must adhere to strict social distancing guidelines and sanitization procedures. Due to widespread business shut-downs, more than 30 million Americans are currently unemployed. Also, most non-essential office workers are working from home for the foreseeable future in response to social distancing guidelines.  

COVID-19 has been raging across the globe for more than 6 months. Unfortunately, this pandemic seems to be far from over. The truth is that no one—not even the world’s leading health experts or the most powerful politicians—knows for sure when the threat of the novel coronavirus will subside around the world. For now, cases are on the rise again and there seems to be no near-future end in sight for COVID-19 and the many changes it has inflicted on the daily lives of people around the globe. 

It is impossible to be certain when the many regulations and restrictions that are in place as a consequence of the spread of COVID-19 will be able to be lifted safely. Regardless, there is little doubt that COVID-19 will have many long-lasting effects on the way society functions around the world. Some of the most prevalent and likely longest-lasting societal shifts that have resulted from COVID-19 are in the workplace. Here are 3 ways COVID-19 has changed the future of work for good. 

1. Increased Flexibility 

COVID-19 has proved that most employees are just as productiv while working from home than they are at the office.

It is unlikely that so many millions of Americans will continue to work from home forever. However, many companies have already stated that they plan to offer increased flexibility to their employees in the future. In many cases, that means that employees who want to continue working from home will be allowed to do so even after the immediate threat of the novel coronavirus pandemic has passed. 

2. Video Meetings as the Norm

Due to efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19, workplace meetings have shifted almost entirely to a remote, video-only format. 

Some people have had trouble adjusting to this tech-focused change. However, most employees and companies have realized that these video meetings via Zoom actually tend to be much more streamlined and efficient than in-person meetings. It is likely that video meetings will remain the norm even after it is safe to meet in person again. 

3. More Home Offices

While home offices were once considered a luxury, they are now virtually a requirement for the millions of Americans who are currently working from home. 

In order to be productive while working from home, it is important for employees to have a designated space for working in their home. This space should ideally be somewhere quiet and private with minimal interruptions.

Many of the people who are currently working from home do not have such an ideal set-up in their home. However, the availability of home office space will likely become a much higher priority for renters and home-buyers alike in the near future due to the new work-from-home economy. 

Only time will tell what the future will bring with regard to COVID-19 and the lasting effects it will have on society as a whole. However, these 3 major shifts in the workplace have already made their mark on businesses around the world and are more than likely to stick around once the COVID-19 pandemic is under control and the world enters into the new normal that eventually awaits.

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